5 tips for The CrossFit Open

Image by @ptalikkaphotography
The Open, an annual online event operated by CrossFit, LLC, begins on Thursday the 24th of February 2022 and thousands of Crossfit enthusiasts are preparing to challenge themselves around the world. The three-week qualifier gives every crossfitter the opportunity to enjoy the thrill of competition, experience something new, and outdo themselves in many areas of performance regardless of skill level, age or experience. The Open is the first stage of a three-part qualifying event, and only the best Crossfit athletes in the world will make their way to the final; the CrossFit Games.
The only criteria for participating in the competition is to know the basic Crossfit exercises and to have access to some of the most typical tools that will be announced about a month before the start of the event. CrossFit will charge a small entry fee upon registration.
Official registration takes place on the CrossFit website where you will see your name and your global rankings after each event. The Open gives the athlete the opportunity to train and have fun with like-minded people and celebrate the success of their performance!
Tips from a pro
For Gymnation Athlete Marika Seppälä the upcoming Open is the fourth one, and the second one she's officially been registered for. Last year, she finished ninth in Finland and was 147 in Europe. This year, her goals are to improve her rank within Europe as well as in the next phase of the competition, the Quarterfinals. She has been coaching and actively doing Crossfit since 2018, and her previous background is in figure skating.
Image by @ptalikkaphotography
We asked Marika to share 5 tips for preparing for and executing the events. By taking advice from this veteran, you can't help but succeed!
1. Focus on your own performance
The Open is a great opportunity to test your own fitness level and to exceed yourself. However, it’s important to remember that it’s not worth comparing your own results to anyone else’s. Everyone has their own strengths, weaknesses and backgrounds. Focus on doing your best and write down the results for yourself so you can look back on how far you've come.2. Take it easy the day before
If you specifically want to prioritize the Open and aim for the best possible performance, then it's a good idea to keep the previous day's training light enough so you can give it your all to the Open events.3. Remember to eat!
Three weeks of high-powered training sessions where you're pushing yourself to the limits is tiring, and to optimize performance and recovery it’s important to remember to eat properly. You can't drive a car with an empty tank either!4. Warm up thoroughly
The Open is usually a good place to push your boundaries and, for example, see if you can do that first muscle up or even lift some heavy weights, so be sure to warm up properly to prevent injuries! If you are unsure how to warm up for a particular event, ask a coach or a more experienced trainer.5. Have fun!
The Open is a wonderful, communal event where Crossfitters around the world get to experience the same exercises – is there anything more cool than that?? While the situation can be exciting, make sure to have fun and to enjoy being able to try out the stuff you’ve been training for. Pat yourself on the back after the performance and use what you've learnt from the experience going forward.
Image by @ptalikkaphotography
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